“Calligraphy Rhapsody, Retrospective Exhibition of Georges Mathieu” Art Tour

Tour Overview

This tour will last approximately 30mins and cover Calligraphy Rhapsody – Retrospective Exhibition of Georges Mathieu co-presented by K11 Art Foundation and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau. The exhibition presents the major pictorial evolutions of Mathieu's oeuvre to the public with significant oil paintings by the French painter spanning the 1950s to 1990s loaned from important private collectors.

  • 請選擇日期
    Please select date:

  • 請選擇時段
    Please select timeslot:

    很抱歉, 這個時段已滿額, 請選擇其他時段。The timeslot is full. Please select others.
  • 參觀人數(最多四名)
    Number of visitors: (up to four)

  • 參加者名字
    Participant's Name:

  • 聯絡電話
    Contact No.:

  • 電子郵件

    請輸入有效的電郵。Please enter a valid email.

Terms and conditions

  1. 成功登記人士將收到確認電郵。
    Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email upon registration.
  2. 導賞團需時約30-45分鐘,請憑確認電郵內已選時間的10分鐘前到達K11 MUSEA 6樓 K11 Art and Cultural Centre 605 集合,並出示確認電郵登記出席。
    The Tour will last approximately 30 – 45 minutes. Please arrive at 6/F of K11 MUSEA in front of Shop 605 at K11 Art and Cultural Centre 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time and present the confirmation email for check-in.
  3. 如欲取消登記,請提前3天通知我們。
    Please inform us 3 days in advance for any cancellation of registration.
  4. 有關導賞團詳情,請電郵至info@k11artfoundation.org 查詢。
    For details of the Tour, please email us at info@k11artfoundation.org
  5. 如因惡劣天氣而須取消或更改活動日期,我們的職員將盡快通知受影響的參加者,並另作安排。一般而言,如天文台於上午8:00或之後懸掛或仍懸掛8號或以上風球、紅色暴雨或黑色暴雨警告,則當日下午6:00前之活動將會取消。如天文台於下午3:00或之後懸掛或仍懸掛8號或以上風球、紅色暴雨或黑色暴雨警告,則當日下午6:00後之活動將會取消。
    If a Tour has to be cancelled or rescheduled due to inclement weather, our staff will notify the participants as soon as possible. In general, if typhoon signal no. 8 or above or red/black rainstorm is hoisted or still hoisted at or after 8:00 am, tours that day held at 6:00pm or before will be cancelled. If typhoon signal no. 8 or above or red/black rainstorm is hoisted or still hoisted at or after 3:00 pm, tours that day held after 6:00 pm will be cancelled.
  6. 如因社交距離措施或相關法律法規禁止此類活動而須取消或更改活動日期,我們的職員將盡快通知受影響的參加者,並另作安排。您亦需要在導賞團出發前申報健康狀況,並遵守有關社交距離措施及其他適用於此導賞團的所有法律法規。
    If a Tour has to be cancelled or rescheduled due to social distancing measures or prohibition of similar tours under relevant laws and regulations, our staff will notify the participants as soon as possible. Please also submit health declaration before the Tour and comply with social distancing measures and all other laws and regulations applicable to the Tour.
  7. 參加者須遵守在場的職員不時發出的指示。
    All participants are required to comply with the instructions given by on-site staff from time to time.
  8. 本表格收集您的個人資料僅用於是次登記及與您進行相關聯絡。有關我們的私隱政策聲明,請瀏覽以下網頁: https://www.k11artfoundation.org/en/privacy-policy/
    All information collected in this form will only be used for the purpose of this registration of the Tour and related communications with you. For details of our Privacy Policy, please visit this web-page: https://www.k11artfoundation.org/en/privacy-policy/


A confirmation email has been sent to the registered mailbox.